I am a single father to two remarkable young men, Barrett, 16, and Brody, 15. I’m raising family in Rogers, where we have lived for fifteen years and where my sons currently attend Rogers public schools.

I am a proud veteran of the United States Navy, where I built munitions in Yokosuka, Japan, to aid in defending our country’s freedoms.

I currently work as Business Representative for the Carpenters Union, following in the footsteps of three generations of union workers and leaders in my family. With my family's multi-generational union pride at my core, I believe strongly in supporting and uplifting working families and in the values of hard work, helping others, and working together to build a better future. I believe that every worker in Minnesota deserves a living wage, paid family medical leave, access to affordable healthcare, earned sick and safe time, safe working conditions, and a voice in shaping the decisions made in our legislature.

I deeply understand the impending impacts of climate change on our economy and way of life. I’m proud to have spent so much time over the last several years building and maintaining wind towers on wind farms across Minnesota and the Pacific Northwest and also playing an influential role in creating the training curriculum the Carpenters Union uses to train apprentices in wind and solar energy installations.

I’ve spent my entire career at the Carpenters Union and beyond helping change peoples' lives by offering them family-sustaining union jobs with living wages. I’m more than prepared to take my work ethic and dedication to our shared values to St. Paul.

With your support behind me, I will work across the aisle and against partisan gamesmanship to pass laws that help working families in our district and across Minnesota with a focused commitment to justice, fairness, and with the voices of our community members at the center.

About Me