Economic Prosperity and Fighting Inflation

The sky-rocketing costs of essential, everyday goods are breaking the bank for many middle-class families in our community. Brian knows this because he's a middle-class parent trying to raise his family too. Brian believes that working families don't need empty promises, we need action. That's why Brian is committed to fighting inflation by making Minnesota's tax structure fairer for working people, suspending the state gas tax, combatting price gouging at all levels to stop the market from being rigged, and investing in creating family-sustaining jobs through creating incentives for businesses to set up shop and stay in our community. Brian also believes that the state bonding bill should be used to make long-term, robust investments in our infrastructure, creating good-paying jobs in our community along the way.

Public Safety and Police Reform 

Minnesotans should feel safe in their communities. Brian will tackle crime while reforming policing to ensure the safety of all Minnesotans. Through the use of violence prevention programs, funding law enforcement so they can do their jobs effectively, and increasing support for mental health, we can build safer communities where everyone can thrive. Brian also believes in investing more resources in mental health services, resources to support victims of intimate partner violence, and in chemical dependency treatment to help all Minnesotans live in safety and stability.

Affordable Healthcare

The debilitating cost of healthcare and prescription drugs continues to be an ongoing burden for so many people in our community and throughout Minnesota. Brian is committed to reigning in healthcare costs and bureaucracy by expanding access to low-cost generic pharmaceuticals, requiring health insurance companies to remain non-profit entities in Minnesota as they have been for decades, and advocating for anti-price gouging laws so pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and health insurance plans can't exploit our health by charging outrageous prices for the care we need. Brian is also in favor of expanding MinnesotaCare so everyone can buy in; easing the strain of health insurance costs on our businesses and making sure everyone has affordable healthcare coverage.

Education and Job Training

Brian will fully fund our schools to ensure our children have access to a world-class education because the future of our state’s economy depends on it. He would achieve this vision by expanding access to pre-kindergarten, summertime and after-school programs, and closing the cross-subsidy funding gap to ensure that all students have access to the resources they need from an early age, including students in special education. He would improve access to affordable two or four-year college degrees, apprenticeship programs, or job-training certificates that focus on in-demand knowledge and skills to grow our economy and our workforce for years to come.

Reproductive Rights 

Brian believes decisions made regarding a woman's body and reproductive choices are between her and her doctor. Brian will ensure the fundamental rights to privacy outlined in Roe v. Wade will be codified in the State of Minnesota. Brian will also work to expand access to contraception and reproductive health educational resources so all Minnesotans have the information and the tools they need to determine when and if to bring a life into the world. Brian will also work on ensuring that all Minnesotans are able to access routine reproductive health screenings and require insurers to fully cover infertility treatment services.